ChopLocal University


4 free webinars designed to help grow your direct-to-consumer meat business!



Making it easier to buy and sell local meat.


Meat Marketplace

The only online farmers market specifically for meat.

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Free Educational Resources

Webinars and blog posts to help you sell more meat!

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Low-Cost Courses

In-depth lessons from our team of experts, designed for your needs.

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New Podcast!

Meat Success

Are you a farmer or butcher ready to master direct-to-consumer marketing and “Meat Success”?

Then you're in the right place!

Each episode features interviews with farmers and butchers who have built successful direct-to-consumer meat businesses.



Popular Course

mEat Commerce Essentials

UPDATED! The only online course designed to help you sell meat while you sleep!


Brand New!

Browser to Buyer Accelerator

Boost your business with our 4-week conversion rate optimization acclerator!

Popular Mini-Course

Shipping Frozen Meat

From Freezer to Front Porch - learn how to ship frozen meat effectively, WITHOUT dry ice!


The Online Marketplace

Boost your sales with our online farmers market!


What People Are Saying

The success of our farmers and butcher shops speaks volumes.

"I’ve learned a lot from ChopLocal over the last year, or so, through emails and webinars they offer! It’s been great as our beef business has taken off and continues to grow!" 

Rawlings Farm

West Virginia

"I signed up for the Meat E-commerce course as this is exactly the information I need to learn this year. What you said was so bang-on to my frustrations as a customer buying meat and these are things I wanted to address when I sell meat myself and you gave the solutions that I have been looking for."

Rachel J.

Beginning Farmer

"ChopLocal is how I sell meat while I sleep. It's taken my business further than I ever thought possible." 

Teresa Davis

West Forty Market

Katie with Choplocal has been very helpful teaching me all of the basics on how to become successful selling meat and from start to finish whether it’s learning about how to ship frozen products and even email marketing with these courses. I have put all of these tools to use to help me become more successful. I’m excited to see what else Choplocal has in store for the future!

Gerald Gray

Gray Cattle Company

Stay Connected

Join our email list for tools and tips to help you sell more meat online.


Need help?

Whether you have questions about selling meat, shipping meat, or one of our courses, we're here to help!

Contact Us