Social Proof
Feb 19, 2024
We all like to think of ourselves as independent thinkers, but the truth is that most of us follow the crowd more than we like to admit.
That's why one effective marketing strategy is highlighting social proof.
What is Social Proof and why is it effective? Social proof is evidence that "the crowd" is purchasing YOUR meat. It causes the viewer to (subconsciously or consciously) put more trust in you and your product because they see other happy customers.
Three Examples of Social Proof 1. Customers Shopping: Old Station Craft Meats often shares pictures of happy customers at their butcher shop.
2. Shipping/Pick-Up/Delivery: Tina from The Local Grazier often shows pictures of orders ready to go out the door! (By the way - some of those boxes might not be active orders… they might be boxes for future shipments. But the stack looks pretty impressive, doesn't it?)
3. Reviews: We love to highlight customer reviews on ChopLocal's social media channels!
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