What info does your customer need? Part Two
Feb 22, 2024
Part Two: Shipping Information
The ChopLocal team has looked at a LOT of online farm stores over the past couple of years, and learned some important lessons from operating choplocal.com.
And one reoccurring trend we see: there's not enough information for customers to confidently make decisions.
**This article is part two of a four-part blog series to help summarize what your customer needs. **
Shipping Information
Customers shopping for meat online know that shipping is probably going to be costly, and they need to take that cost into consideration.
That's why it's so important that you give them the information early in the shopping process.
Do not, under any circumstances, force the customer to enter an email address in order to find out how much shipping will cost.
You will lose many, many customers that way.
Instead, create a page about shipping and answer all of their questions there. Link to that page in the header or footer so they can find it easily wherever they are on your site.
Make sure you include:
- What days you ship
- How you package the meat
- How to estimate the cost of the shipment
Estimating the cost may be difficult, but you should be able to list a base price and factors that may increase it. For example: Shipping starts at $14.99 for small orders in-state. Larger orders (over 10 lbs) and orders being sent further away will incure a higher charge for shipping.
Next: Part Three - Clear Pricing Previous: Part One - Product Descriptions and Photos
For more information on shipping, check out: How to Ship Frozen Meat Webinar Shipping Frozen Meat Blog Post Summer Shipping Guide
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