Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network

e-commerce marketing Feb 22, 2024

Despite the major meatpackers' dominance in the markets, there are some organizations doing really good work to support independent processors and farmers selling direct-to-consumer.

And the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network is one of them! NMPAN is housed at Oregon State University and provides a wealth of resources like the "Beginner's Guide to Meat Processing."

They also provide multiple ways for you to connect with other small/medium-sized processors, including a Facebook GroupNot a processor? They have resources for farmers, as well!

One of the most popular resources is the Western Meat School Online Short Course, which has been completed by over 1000 farmers selling meat direct-to-consumer.

The course is self-paced and online, making it easy for you to complete as your schedule allows.

Topics include:

  • Marketing
  • Production
  • Handling & Harvesting
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Pricing

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