Increase your Social Media Reach 4-10x!

marketing social media Feb 22, 2024

Social Media can sometimes seem like a mystery.

Why do some posts reach thousands of viewers while others fall flat?

We can't answer that question definitively, but we have unlocked one way to increase your reach consistently - VIDEO!

>>>A couple of weeks ago, we doubled down on REELS and the results don't lie! Our cumulative Instagram reach was about 4x higher over a 2 week period than it was the previous 2 weeks!

And for some topics, the REEL had 10x the views that a similar POST had! . What about on Facebook? Again, there was a 4-5x increase in the reach when we used more reels!

We'd love to hear from our subscribers - have you noticed something similar? Do REELS increase your reach?

Or do you need help creating REELS? Then maybe our Social Media services are right for you!

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