Social Media "Call to Action"
Feb 22, 2024
Social Media "Call to Action"
If you tuned in for the social media webinar led by Victoria (Farm Marketing Mentor), you know that including a "call to action" (CTA) is an important part of your social media strategy.
But that's one of those things that is easier said than done.
Including a CTA is something we've been trying to get better at on our ChopLocal social media channels, so we thought we'd share some tips and examples we've been using for inspiration.
What is a Call to Action?
A call to action (CTA) is a direct, friendly suggestion for your followers.
The CTA suggests an action that your followers can take, beyond "like and scroll."
(Youtubers seem to be the masters of CTA's… "thumbs up and subscribe if you like this video!")
CTA Examples
Since Victoria is the social media master, we turned to her instagram page for examples of effective CTAs. Here are some of our favorites:
- Tap that 🧡FOLLOW🧡 button to learn with me along the way!! So glad you are here!👩🌾
- 👍Be sure to find them on social and give them a follow!!
- Be sure to 🛟SAVE🛟 this post to refer back to later!
- >>> 🧡Like + SHARE this post with someone who needs to hear about …<<< And here are a few examples from our own social media!
- ***Grab your pork chops from one of our farms or butcher shops at!
- Ready to give it a try? Visit and purchase from one of our local farms today!
- Register for these webinars at:
Different Types of CTAs
Some CTAs help you grow your social media audience. These CTAs include the words like, follow, and share.
Some CTAs help your posts get seen by more people. These CTAs include the words comment, share, and save.
And some CTAs help you get sales! These include the words shop, grab, order, and purchase.
If your goal is to get sales, make sure you include a link to your online store! This enables customers to purchase immediately and reduces the chance that they'll change their mind or forget!
Match your CTA with your Post
Let's get even more specific.
Type of post: Recipe CTA Examples:
- Share this post with a friend who loves to cook!
- Hit SAVE so you can find this recipe again later!
- Hop over to our online store and purchase ingredient so you can make this meal at home! (Include link to the ingredient/meat in your online store.) Type of post: Farm Photos CTA Examples:
- 🧡DOUBLE TAP🧡 (or like this post) if you want to see more photos and videos from our farm!
- Sign up for our email newlsetter here (include link) to learn more about our farm!
- Support our family farm by making your next meat purchase here: link to your online store. Type of post: Sales & Promotions
- Order online here before date! Include link to online store.
- Don't miss out! Quantities are limited so place your order here today: link to online store.
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